Larry Da Leopard Death | Dead – Cause Of Death | Obituary

Larry Da Leopard cause of death: Larry Da Leopard died December 2018 at the age of 45 years old. He is survived by his son Zoom and his family, loved ones. 


Some unconfirmed reports online about how Larry Da Leopard death say he had a swelling on his brain and he was an organ donor.

A GoFundMe page launched to raise money for Larry Da Leopard memorial raised $965 after it was launched December 2, 2018. The page is now deactivated.

Larry Da Leopard was popularly known for covering every inch of his body with more than a thousand spots to become half man, half big-cat. He was a well-known character in Austin.

Lance Brieschke, Larry Da Leopard was the owner of the Telepathic Tattoo parlor in Austin.

Larry Da Leopard death, obituary: Lance Brieschke death

Larry had begun getting leopard tattoos at age 20 – a decision borne out of a desire to subvert society’s expectations. Five years later, he inked his face with the distinctive spots.

Larry recalled that when his parents first caught sight of the spots on his body, they wept.

For the next decade, Larry had little contact with his family, feeling hurt that they had failed to embrace his brand of self-expression and shunned him for desecrating his body.

‘It took them ten years to come round but now we’ve got a better relationship,’ he said. ‘They can see I’m doing alright for myself.’

As for the rest of the world’s reaction to his spots, tattoo artist Larry da leopard was barred from entering diners and even accused of being the devil.

That didn’t end his quest to etch his skin with some 1,000 spots, he even made the painful decision to ink his private parts.

Our deepest condolences and sympathy to his loved ones.

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